Notes from the Russian River Barrel Tasting
How much stamina does it take to spend a day roaming wine country with a $1 glass and 7 oenophiles? (Plus one oeno-dog?) The short answer is, rather a lot. It's true that our group of 20 and-30 somethings are not exactly winter chickens, but by the time we found ourselves hiking the half mile up to the tasting rooms on our 4th stop of the day, the puffing, perspiring group, as least a couple members anyway, were wondering if the effort involved in securing a 1 ounce pour of mediocre wine was worth the payoff.
That said, there's nothing quite like basking in warm winter sunlight on some well manicured grounds surrounded by rolling hills of vineyards. For folks who forego things like owning their own home, driving a new car and taking annual posh vacations in order to live in the dollar suck that is the Bay Area of Northern California, small moments like those experienced over a glass of fermenting pinot remind them why it's worth it after all. Despite the claims of all 50 states to be producing great wine in the New American tradition, California is among the elite group of 4 or 5 that can make the claim with true conviction.
In the end, we spent five hours (a full day) visiting seven wineries, making some fabulous new discoveries (e.g. the big zins at Bella) and reaffirming our tastes for some known stars (the tried and true Giuseppe and Louisa at Martinelli). And the best part is, we were out and about in 70+ degree weather in early March. How much is that worth?